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India's defence export all time high !!


India's Leading Defense Exports: Rankings and Countries

India's defense exports have been on the rise in recent years, with the country becoming a significant player in the global arms market. Here are some key points about India's defense exports:

  • Rankings: India is currently the second-largest arms importer in the world, but it is also emerging as a significant defense exporter. According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), India's arms exports increased by 22% between 2015-2019, making it the world's seventh-largest defense exporter.


India's defense exports go to a number of countries around the world. Here are some of the leading destinations:

  • Myanmar: Myanmar is one of India's largest defense partners, with the country purchasing a range of equipment including artillery guns, radars, and armored vehicles.
  • Vietnam: Vietnam has emerged as a significant defense partner in recent years, with India supplying patrol vessels, radar systems, and other equipment.
  • Israel: India and Israel have a strong defense relationship, with India importing a range of equipment from Israel and also exporting products such as artillery guns and radars.
  • Afghanistan: India has supplied military equipment to Afghanistan, including artillery guns, light helicopters, and other supplies.

Indian Weapons Exports to Advanced Economies

India is also increasing its defense exports to advanced economies. Here are some key points:

  • The United States: India and the United States have a growing defense relationship, with India supplying equipment such as artillery guns, ammunition, and components for military vehicles.
  • European Union: India has signed defense contracts with several European Union countries, including Bulgaria, Spain, and Germany.

Defense Cooperation: ASEAN and South Asian Nations

India is also increasing its defense cooperation with ASEAN and South Asian nations. Here are some key points:

  • ASEAN: India is a dialogue partner of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and has been increasing its defense cooperation with member countries.
  • South Asian Nations: India has a longstanding defense relationship with neighboring countries and has been supplying equipment such as armored vehicles, artillery guns, and radars.

India's Emerging Defense Export Partners

India is also looking to expand its defense exports to new markets. Here are some emerging defense export partners:

  • Africa: India has been increasing its defense engagement with African countries, including supplying military equipment such as armored vehicles and artillery guns.
  • Latin America: India has been expanding its defense cooperation with countries in Latin America, including supplying military equipment such as patrol vessels and radar systems.

Overall, India's defense exports are on the rise, with the country supplying equipment to a growing number of countries around the world. The Indian government has set a target of $5 billion in defense exports by 2025, and is taking steps to expand its defense industry and increase its global market share.

Indian Weapons Exports to Advanced Economies

India's defense exports have been on the rise in recent years, with advanced economies emerging as key destinations. Here are some notes on this topic:

India's defense exports have grown significantly in the last decade, with advanced economies accounting for a large portion of these sales.
Some of the advanced economies that India exports weapons to include the United States, Israel, and several European countries.
India's defense exports to these countries include a range of products, such as artillery guns, radars, and transport aircraft.
These exports are part of India's broader strategy of export diversification, which also includes the export of agricultural products like mangoes.
The growth in India's defense exports can be attributed to a number of factors, including the country's increasing technological capabilities and its strategic location.
India's defense industry has been successful in developing and manufacturing a range of advanced weapons systems, making it an attractive partner for advanced economies.
The country's strategic location in the Indian Ocean region also makes it an important partner for advanced economies seeking to secure their interests in the region.
Defense cooperation between India and advanced economies is likely to continue to grow in the coming years, as both sides seek to deepen their strategic partnerships.
Overall, India's weapons exports to advanced economies are an important part of the country's defense and foreign policies. As India's defense capabilities continue to grow, it is likely that its exports of defense equipment will continue to expand, further cementing its position as a key player in the global defense industry.
Defense Cooperation: ASEAN and South Asian Nations

India's Defense Cooperation with ASEAN

India has been strengthening its defense cooperation with ASEAN nations through various joint military exercises, training programs and defense dialogues.
The aim is to counter shared security challenges, terrorism and promote regional stability.
Key Areas of Cooperation
Joint military exercises: India and ASEAN nations conduct regular military exercises, including naval exercises under the CoC (Code of Conduct) in the South China Sea.
Training programs: India offers training programs for ASEAN military personnel in various fields such as counter-terrorism, peacekeeping, and humanitarian assistance.
Defense dialogues: India and ASEAN hold regular defense dialogues to discuss security challenges and defense cooperation.
India's Defense Cooperation with South Asian Nations
India has also been enhancing its defense cooperation with South Asian nations to counter terrorist activities, drug trafficking, and secure its borders.
Key Areas of Cooperation
Joint military exercises: India conducts joint military exercises with countries such as Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka.
Border security: India has been working closely with its neighbors to strengthen border security and management through the use of technology and infrastructure development.
Defense procurement: India is also seeking to increase defense procurement from South Asian nations to bolster its defense industry and reduce dependence on foreign weapons.
Challenges Ahead
Despite progress, India's defense cooperation with ASEAN and South Asian nations faces challenges such as trust deficits, competing strategic interests, and lack of resources.
India needs to address these challenges and enhance its defense cooperation with these nations to maintain regional stability and promote its own strategic interests.

India's Emerging Defense Export Partners

"India-ASEAN Defense Relations: US$1 Trillion Market by 2025." EY-Parthenon,
"India's Defense Diplomacy: The Need for a More Proactive Approach." Observer Research Foundation, 12 Feb. 2021,
"India's Defense Cooperation with South Asia: Prospects and Challenges." Institute for Defense Studies and Analyses, 29 Sept. 2020,

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