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IRAN ATTACKS ISRAEL with 200 Missiles and Drones | Videos go viral all over the world

IRAN ATTACKS ISRAEL with 200 Missiles and Drones | Videos go viral all over the world

Videos go viral all over the world," Prashant Dhavan reports on the escalating conflict between Iran and Israel. Iran claimed responsibility for attacking Israel with 200 missiles and drones, following a cyber attack on Israeli defense systems. Israel confirmed the attack, but managed to intercept and destroy most of the incoming projectiles, resulting in significant damage to civilian and military targets. Iran's Defense Minister Hossein Dehghan threatened retaliation against any country supporting Israel. The United States is closely monitoring the situation, and the conflict could potentially lead to a full-scale war. The speaker also mentions ongoing tensions between Iran and Israel over Iran's presence near Israel's embassy in Syria.

Videos go viral all over the world", Prashant Dhavan explains that Iran claimed to have attacked Israel with a large number of ballistic missiles and drones. Iranian media also reported that before the attack, Iran carried out a cyber attack on Israel's defense systems, rendering them ineffective. Israel confirmed the attack and showed footage of drones and missiles raining down on their territory. However, Israel intercepted and destroyed most of the incoming projectiles. The attack caused significant damage to civilian and military targets in Israel. Iran's Defense Minister Hossein Dehghan threatened that if any country opened its airspace to Israeli attack planes, Iran would retaliate against that country as well. Iranian officials warned that the attack was just a warning and more could follow. The United States, as a powerful global player, is closely monitoring the situation between Iran and Israel.

Videos go viral all over the world", the speaker discusses the ongoing conflict between Iran and Israel, with Iran reportedly attacking Israel's embassy in Syria and Israel responding with military force. The speaker mentions that Iran has ignored Israel's warning to stay away from the embassy, and that the United States has expressed concern over the situation. The speaker also mentions that China is supporting both sides and that the situation could lead to a full-scale war. The speaker then asks a question about the Ero 3 Air Defense System and asks viewers to comment with the correct answer in the comment section. 

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