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Unknown Gunman Hits Pakistan Again | सरबजीत सिंह के हत्यारे की पाकिस्तान में हत्या

"Unknown Gunman Hits Pakistan Again | सरबजीत सिंह के हत्यारे की पाकिस्तान में हत्या"  

The ongoing issue of unknown gunmen in Pakistan and the tragic death of Indian farmer Sarabjit singh in Lahore prison in 2013. Sarabjit, who was arrested in Pakistan in 1990 for alleged spying, had doubts surrounding the validity of his charges. The speaker also mentions the recent killing of Indian engineers and the challenges of separatist groups in Pakistan. Sarabjit's death caused widespread grief in India, leading to official mourning and a movie based on his life. The perpetrator of Sarabjit's murder was recently killed, sparking reflections on karmic repercussions. The speaker also raises awareness about Indian fishermen imprisoned in Pakistan and emphasizes their safe return.

the ongoing issue of unknown gunmen in Pakistan and the recent killing of Sarabjit Singh, an Indian farmer, in Lahore prison. The speaker mentions that there are several challenges in Pakistan, including the problem of separatist groups and the recent killing of Indian engineers by an unidentified gunman. Sarabjit Singh, who was a farmer from Punjab, was arrested in Pakistan in 1990 and sentenced to death for alleged spying. However, there are doubts about the validity of the charges against him, and his family believes that he was falsely accused. The speaker also mentions that there have been several reports of unidentified gunmen in Pakistan over the past few years, and the Pakistani government and Indian media have been blamed for fueling tensions. Despite this, the US Embassy in Pakistan has requested that the Pakistani government ensure the safety of Indian citizens in the country. Also mentions that Sarabjit Singh's family has been in the news recently due to his tragic death in Lahore prison in 2013. The speaker concludes by expressing concern for the safety of Sarabjit Singh's family and the larger issue of cross-border tensions between India and Pakistan.

 the heinous murder of Sarabjit Singh in a Pakistani prison where he was assaulted with plates and bricks, leading to his death in 2013. The incident caused widespread grief in India, with official mourning observed for three days in Punjab. Sarabjit's tragic demise also led to the release of a movie depicting his life, featuring Aishwarya Rai and Ranadeep Hooda. The perpetrator of Sarabjit's murder, Amir Sarfraz, was recently killed by anonymous individuals, sparking reflections on the karmic repercussions.

Amir Sarfaraz Tamba killed in Lahore

Amir Sarfaraz Tamba, an accused in the murder of Sarabjit Singh and a close associate of Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) founder Hafiz Saeed, on Sunday was killed by unknown gunmen in an apparent "targeted attack" in Lahore.

He was attacked by assailants on a motorcycle near his residence in Lahore. Tamba had bullet wounds on chest and legs, news agency PTI reported. In December 2018, a Pakistani court acquitted 2 prime suspects in the Sarabjit Singh murder case-- Amir Sarfaraz Tamba and Mudassar-- citing a "lack of evidence" against them. 

The Lahore sessions court's verdict came after all the witnesses turned hostile. "Not a single witness testified in the court against both the suspects. The court acquitted them for lack of evidence against them," as per an official. 

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