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China's Diplomatic Strategy in the Middle East | IRAN-ISRAEL War Update | World Affairs

 China's Diplomatic Strategy in the Middle East | IRAN-ISRAEL War Update | World Affairs4u

China's role in the Middle East, focusing on its diplomatic efforts to de-escalate tensions between Iran and other countries. China's Foreign Ministers have held discussions with Iran, emphasizing the importance of avoiding direct conflicts. Iran's reluctance to engage in prolonged conflict with Israel may prevent further escalation. China's economic relationship with Iran is significant, with China being Iran's largest trading partner and the largest importer of Iranian oil. China's oil trade with Iran began in earnest after the price drop in 2011 and continued despite US sanctions through secret deals. China's diplomatic strategy in the Middle East is driven by both economic and geopolitical considerations, with a desire for peace in the region.

highlighting its involvement in peacemaking efforts between Iran and other countries. The Foreign Ministers of China and Iran have had discussions regarding the situation in the Middle East, emphasizing a desire to de-escalate tensions and avoid direct conflicts. Iran's reluctance to directly engage in the conflict involving Hamas and Hezbollah indicates a potential for the situation to not escalate further, as these terrorist organizations may not be able to engage in prolonged conflict with Israel without direct support from Iran. This approach aligns with humanitarian considerations and may prevent further escalation in the region.
the sensitive nature of the Middle East and the significant damage caused by the ongoing conflicts, specifically focusing on Iran. Iran is facing numerous economic problems, and the speaker mentions China's involvement in Iran's economy and the potential consequences for Iran if it gets involved in any war. The speaker also highlights several factors contributing to Iran's economic struggles, including sanctions imposed by various countries, including the United States, United Kingdom, and European Union. Additionally, the speaker explains that China, as Iran's largest trading partner, plays a crucial role in supporting Iran and reducing tensions in the Middle East. The discussion also touches upon the historical trade relationship between China and Iran, with China exporting a significant amount of oil to Iran and importing various goods from Iran.
China's oil trade with Iran and the reasons behind it. China began purchasing oil from Iran in large quantities after the price dropped in 2011, as Iran was the largest supplier of oil to China at that time. However, due to US sanctions on Iranian oil, China had to sign secret deals with Iran to continue the trade. In 2015, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) was signed, allowing Iran to export oil again, but China continued to buy oil from Iran at lower prices to maintain its market share. The speaker also mentions that China's oil imports from Iran have significantly increased in recent years, making it a crucial market for China. 

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