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Israel wants India to impose Sanctions on Iran | 32 Countries asked to take action

Israel wants India to impose Sanctions on Iran | 32 Countries asked to take action

Israel's demand: Israel has demanded India to impose sanctions on Iran.

India's demand to impose: Israel has demanded India to impose sanctions on Iran, which is due to the use of Israel's missile project. This is an important passage where India should negotiate with Israel and what sanctions need to be imposed.

Israel's officials are all up on Twitter. We got the Foreign Minister of Israel and yup, his name is Israel. And he tweeted right here saying that along with the military response to the firing of missiles and UAVs, which will obviously give it to Iran, he's adding that his job is to launch a diplomatic attack on Iran. The Defense Minister will see what happens with the attack, military-wise, while this diplomatic attack is going down."

They're doing it and they said that they've sent a letter to 32 countries. They've also talked to a dozen of foreign ministers and leading figures around the world, and they're saying to impose sanctions on Iran's missile project because Iran attacked Israel using their missile project, and now they're demanding that the Islamic Revolutionary Guard declare itself as a terrorist organization. The US has already done this and now they want other countries to do the same.

"He's tagged a lot of leaders from different countries, like for example, you can see here that Germany's Ber Boek has been tagged, and even Canada's foreign minister Jolly has also been tagged. Now, when I was going through all these names, I was genuinely surprised to see Dr. S. Jaishankar tagged here. So, in a way, they are indicating that they expect India to either impose sanctions on Iran's missile project or support the Islamic revolution."

"Should we declare Guard Core as a terrorist organization or not? I'm gonna ask you this question right now in the comment section. Write down whether you agree with Israel that Iran must be stopped now before it's too late and India should impose sanctions on Iran, or if you believe that it won't be in our best interest. Iran is an important country for our region, especially Chabahar Port, which is quite significant for India. So, we won't be able to impose sanctions on Iran. Write about this in the comment section, it's very interesting."

"Yo, I got a question and I wanna know your opinion now. If we talk about sanctions, the country with the most sanctions in the world right now is Russia, followed by Syria, Iran, and North Korea. Forget about all those countries 'cause Russia has got the total lockdown with over 18,700 sanctions. This amount used to be way lower before February 2022. They had some sanctions around 00, but ever since they attacked Ukraine, the sanctions have skyrocketed. And now, Russia is the most sanctioned country in the world, coming in at second place. Islamic, man." "Yo, Iran these days is facing a lot of sanctions, man. But in 2023, they received a really good message from the United Nations Security Council. You can check it out here, it's Article 203. The United Nations Security Council lifted the sanctions that were imposed on Iran's missile program in 2023. You can also see Iran's official tweet about it, saying that as of October 2023, they are in compliance with the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2231. All those restrictions that were wrongly imposed on them have been lifted, man."

The missile program in Iran has now been removed. This whole thing was seen. It happened under the 2015 agreement between Iran and Western countries, which clearly stated that any sanctions on Iran's missile program would be lifted after 2023. At that time, Benjamin Netanyahu was complaining a lot, urging the international community not to lift the sanctions on Iran's missile program. He was afraid that Iran would attack us using their missiles. Well, you know.

You could say Israel was right as Adventure directly used their missiles against Israel's enemies, so now Israel's foreign ministers are openly saying to impose sanctions on Iran's missile program. Now, let's talk about what to do with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. If India genuinely declares the Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist organization, it will look quite strange, mate. The reason I'm telling you this is because Britain, yes, the UK, if we talk about the UK, Australia, even Germany, France, and all that."Countries haven't considered Iran's Revolutionary Guard as a terrorist organization yet. First of all, let's see that Iran's Revolutionary Guard is, apart from that, there is the Quds Force which is a separate entity. It's the same party that you can say carries out more undercover operations. These two organizations are declared by Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, USA, Canada, and finally obviously Israel. Besides them, no country has declared any terrorist organization. Look at India, if it does this, declares a terrorist organization, India's name will also come up here, not just Iran."Many countries can criticize India, and even Qatar could be one of them. So personally, if you ask me, I don't think India will declare the Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist organization, especially at a time when we want the Chabahar Port to be operational. We can't afford it from anywhere, and we can't afford to call Iran's Revolutionary Guard, which is the closest to them, a terrorist organization. And then, if all the cargo from their country reaches Europe, it would be a great achievement for India.

"It's gonna be pretty tough, so whatever Israel is saying about this, what do you think? Write your thoughts in the comment section. I really wanna know your opinion on this .

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