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🌍: Introduction and the difficulty of predicting war outcomes based on historical examples

Israel or Iran, is more powerful. If there's a war between them tomorrow, who will have the advantage? Now, predicting the outcome of a war is really tough. If you look at history, you'll find many examples where a big country with a strong army was expected to win, but the result turned out to be something else. Nobody expected the amount of struggle the American military faced in Vietnam."

In 1970, and these guys had to leave Vietnam and come to the US, nobody thought that the Russian military would have so much trouble in Ukraine. Two years will pass and the war map won't change at all, and you'll find many examples just like this. Finland, Russia, Vietnam, China, predicting the outcome of a war is pretty damn difficult. Yeah, but if we compare these two countries from five different aspects, we might get a clear idea of which country has a bigger advantage.
 💪: Comparison of military capabilities, including tanks, armored vehicles, artillery, and air force, with Israel having the advantage in terms of the air force.

Israel and Iran are gonna be compared first, based on military capability. Military overall, air force, army, navy, let's see who's the strongest. Then we'll compare nuclear weapons, who's stronger in terms of nuclear weapons. After that, we'll talk about a country's morals, which is really important. If a country's moral is a bit strong, if the country believes in itself that yes, we can win, then once in history, countries have changed, empires have been transformed. So, which country's moral is strong.

Iran has the most in numbers. Iran almost has 2000 tanks while Israel has 1370 tanks. And when it comes to armored vehicles, let's check out their artillery. In every case, Iran is leading the game, man. So yeah, Iran's military has become pretty strong, you know. But look at the tanks, artillery, and mobile rocket launchers in both Iran and Israel's cases, their role isn't that significant. First of all, geographically, you'll see that Iran and Israel are far apart.

"Military personnel can convert to actuals, you know, like the reserve personnel in Israel. They have around 500,000 of them. So even in a military scenario, Israel's numbers would have more impact than Iran's. Let me tell you who would have the most impact in the military. There are three branches: Army, Navy, and Air Force. Neither Israel nor Iran is particularly strong, but let's talk about the Air Force. Israel's Air Force is quite strong, and if you look at Iran's Air Force, it's their biggest weakness."

If you check out the list of fighter jets, you'll be scared, man. You'll be like, damn, Iran has these old-ass fighter jets. Check out China's Chengdu J-7, it's from ancient times, dude. Besides that, they also have the F-5, F-14 Tomcats, which are from the 70s. Back in the day when Iran was under the Shah of Iran and had good relations with the US, they got these fighter jets. And they still be using them today. But if we talk about modern fighter jets, the most badass ones are with them, man. They got the MiG-29. What does Israel have? Israel has the modern F-35, F-16, and F-15, man. Israel's got it going on.

If we talk about aircraft numbers, Israel has a total of 612 active fighter aircraft, while Iran has 551. So when a war breaks out, the main impact will come from the Air Force. Why? Because the Air Force can quickly cover long distances and launch attacks. In that case, if we observe, Israel will convincingly show you its military strength. Actually, Israel has a big advantage in terms of the military. Now let's move on to the second area, nuclear weapons. Who has the bigger advantage in this case?

☢️: Discussion on nuclear weapons, highlighting Israel’s advantage due to Iran’s public denial of having nuclear weapons.

Iran has been saying publicly multiple times that they don't have nuclear weapons, so by default Israel has a big advantage, right? And let me tell you, many geopolitical analysts worldwide have speculated what would happen if there was a war between Iran and Israel. In every simulation, one thing stood out to me: it quickly escalated to a nuclear weapons showdown between the two. Because, again, I'll tell you, in this war between Iran and Israel, the navy will play a significant role."

Israel, is hella big compared to Israel. Israel has over 100 nuclear warhead explosions to neutralize any country. Imagine if Iran, let's say, managed to drop like three or four warheads on Israel. They would straight up destroy Jerusalem, Haifa, and Tel Aviv. In that case, Israel ain't gonna just sit back and chill, you know? When we talk about nuclear warheads, the question that comes up is who's gonna be able to pull off an explosion in another country? And if we look at Israel's Air Defense System, the Arrow 3 David Sling, it's pretty damn impressive.

"Iron Dome, Iron Beam, and the Patriot Missile Defense System will ensure that if Iran attacks Israel with any ballistic missile or hypersonic missile, there's a good chance that these missiles won't actually hit Israel in reality. So, when it comes to nuclear weapons, Israel has a big advantage over Iran. So far, the score is Iran zero, Israel two. Now, let's talk about country morale. This aspect is extremely important, and actually gauging it will determine which country is superior."

💥: Analysis of country morale and its impact on the outcome of a war, noting examples from history where the people turned against their own government.

"Morale is way up there, it's really tough because it depends on the circumstances. The first thing that matters is who declares war and what statements come from that country. If we look at both Israel and Iran, you'll notice that in the past couple of years, there have been several instances of opposition against their own governments. So, when it comes to a country's morality, it also depends on whether their people stand with their government. In history, you'll also come across examples where a country's military took a step back."

"Because the people turned against the government, if you look at World War , the Russian Empire was performing really well. Their military was eating up Germany and various countries. But suddenly, something happens in Russia, and there's internal disturbance. The royal family in Russia protests against their own government, and Russia is forced to pull out of World War One due to compulsion. Now, let's assume that if there's a war going on between Iran and Israel, and in the middle, the Iranian people themselves go against their own government so much."

"When people start protesting, it leads to them coming out on the streets and government buildings being attacked. If this starts happening, it will have a big impact on the outcome of the war. Unfortunately, it is difficult to determine who will have the upper hand and what the moral of the country will be. In this case, we cannot give points to either country. The score is still Israel to Iran zero. Now, let's talk about global support. When it comes to global support, there is a very important condition that comes into play - who initiated the attack. Recently, we have seen..."

🌍: Evaluation of global support, with Israel having more potential allies compared to Iran

which country gets more global support and finally figure out which country has better cyber warfare capabilities. This is gonna be the most legit way to genuinely understand which country is stronger between Israel and Iran. If we go by the conventional method, we just look up the Global Firepower Index ranking and see that Iran is ranked 14th while Israel is ranked 17th. Then we count which country has more tanks.

Israel's tryna pull off a ground invasion, but first they gotta pass through Iraq, then cross over to Jordan, and finally make their way into Israel. Now, let's talk about these tanks they keep braggin' about. Sure, they got a big army overall compared to Iran, but when it comes to active military personnel, Iran's got a total of 580,000 soldiers while Israel only has 170,000. But here's the real deal, Turkey's got a crucial role in all this. They've got mandatory military training over there, so these folks can't mess with their civilians whenever they want."

the US straight up told Israel that if they're being attacked, they got their back. But if they wanna go and attack Iran, they're on their own, man. Don't expect any help from us, and global support is pretty conditional. If Iran starts a war on their own, Russia and China ain't gonna support Iran, so when it comes to global support, Israel definitely has the edge. More countries will come to Israel's aid compared to Iran. There's no scenario like that happening, man

So, like, it's gonna happen that Israel will attack Iran and then the US Navy will also be attacking Iran. But, like, the US is definitely not gonna do that because of global support and stuff. In terms of interesting global support, we'll just have to make another guess here. We can't really say which country has a clear-cut advantage because it depends on who attacks first and who is the aggressor. So, the score for now is Israel 2, Iran 0. Now, let's talk about the final aspect, cyber warfare capabilities. Like, right now, in this case, if you had asked me this question like 20-30 years ago... Well, things would have been different."

💻: Assessment of cyber warfare capabilities, with Israel having a significant advantage, but acknowledging the evolving nature of cyber warfare over time.

Israel is kinda strong, but in the past few years, Iran has been collaborating with Russia and China in the cyber warfare domain and has boosted its strength so much that recently, when the National Cyber Power Index came out, it showed that Iran is stronger in terms of cyber warfare than Israel. Iran had an overall rank of 10, while Israel was ranked 19. As for India, it was ranked 26. Obviously, the top spot was taken by the United States of America in this matter."

If we do a country to country comparison, Iran definitely scores higher. Iran has done so much over the years to develop their cyber warfare capabilities that they deserve this score. And overall, if we compare both countries in all aspects, Israel still has the advantage. Israel's score is higher than Iran's score. So overall, Israel is definitely the more powerful country. Now, I want to ask you for your opinion. According to you, which country is stronger between Iran and Israel? Write your answer.

Key Insights

💪 Israel’s military strength, particularly in the air force, gives it a significant advantage over Iran in terms of conventional warfare.

☢️ Israel possesses a clear advantage in terms of nuclear weapons, as Iran denies having them publicly, while Israel has a substantial stockpile.

💥 The morale of a country and the support of its people can greatly influence the outcome of a war, as history has shown instances where internal disturbances forced a military retreat.

🌍 Global support is conditional and depends on the circumstances of the conflict, with Israel having more potential allies compared to Iran.

💻 Israel’s cyber warfare capabilities are more advanced than Iran’s, but the landscape of cyber warfare is constantly evolving, making it difficult to determine long-term advantages.

🌍 The outcome of a war between Israel and Iran is complex and depends on multiple factors, making it challenging to definitively determine which country is more powerful.

🌍 The geographic distance between Israel and Iran poses logistical challenges for a ground invasion, further complicating the potential outcome of a conflict.

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