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Elon Musk is Right about India | US Gives Full Support to India's UNSC Membership

 Elon Musk is Right about India | US Gives Full Support to India's UNSC Membership

📣 Elon Musk’s tweet on India’s permanent seat in the UN Security Council gains attention.

  • 💡 Elon Musk’s tweet has sparked discussions on India’s role in the UN Security Council and the need for reform.

  • the news is buzzing both in the US and India about a tweet made by Elon Musk in January. Out of the blue, it made headlines because the US government officially stated that they support Elon Musk's remarks. They also mentioned that India should get a permanent seat in the UN Security Council. You'll see that there are numerous articles published on this topic in India, as Elon Musk made some strong statements in his tweet."
  • Elon Musk. He's got some serious business sense. Elon Musk is a big shot business empire with a bunch of companies under his belt, like The Boring Company and These companies are profitable and have a crazy high valuation. His net worth is like 30 million, so in India, it would sell for around 60 million or even more, based on the road price. But there's a catch, they slapped a 15% import duty on it, even though it's originally 100%. But here's the catch, the manufacturer is investing 100 million dollars in India and there's another...
  • If you set up a manufacturing unit in India, then the import duty on it will be 15%. So, don't invest in India right away. Slowly, their investment will increase, just like the way apple-app-site-association slings into the internet under space. If this also gets an entry in India, it will be a huge market. If Indian internet users also start using Starling slowly, then the valuation of SpaceX will also increase. So, definitely see Elon Musk making a big profit.

The US government officially supports Musk’s remarks.

  • 💡 The US government’s support for India’s permanent seat aligns with their recognition of India’s potential and importance.

"Totally India should be a permanent member of the UN Security Council. Now first, let me show you Elon Musk's tweet. After that, we'll discuss how India can expand the Security Council. India recently proposed something, it's about January 2024. The Chief of United Nations, Antonio Guterres, made a statement that even now India is not a permanent member of the UN Security Council. Now, this was their statement, but many Americans and Europeans got angry after seeing this statement. Many people made arguments that keep repeating."
What's up with Antonio Goteso now? Are you agreeing or disagreeing with this? It's up to you, but many people have commented below saying why is Bilong involved in the African Security Council? What's Africa's contribution? They have the lowest GDP among all countries, so why bring them to the Permanent Council? Many Americans and Europeans have raised this interesting point. And interestingly, even Indians haven't come here or made any comments about India's issue.
The Europeans and Americans got together and said, "Hey buddy, tell us what India needs to completely get rid of the United Nations and have a new organization with new leadership." And Elon Musk replied to this and said, "We definitely need a revision of the UN bodies on time. The problem is that those who have a lot of power don't want to give up their power. And their statement in India became quite popular, saying that India doesn't have a permanent seat in the UN Security Council."

India and the UN Security Council and all that, right? What do you think if India also joins that? What's your take on Elon Musk and what he said? Then the US government spokesperson said, "Mr. Elon Musk said that there is no meaning of having a UN without India's permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council." So, the president is speaking now, spoken before in his remarks, the General Assembly Secretary also well we support the forms to the Institute, including the secular on the 21st-century world that we live in.

The US government fully supports their builders to become the UN Security Council permanent members. But look at the problem here, China won't accept it recently. You must remember when Dr. S.Jai Shankar made a statement that the country blocking India's permanent membership seat at the UN Security Council is a non-western country. So obviously, we..."

China opposes India’s permanent membership, while Russia supports it.

  • 💡 China’s opposition to India’s membership highlights the complexities and differing interests among nations.
China, but Russia has already said openly that they support India. And then China said that the UN Security Council reform should not only benefit a few selected countries. They keep talking about their own package deal, hinting that if you want to bring India, bring Pakistan and other countries too. It's not about Plot Ball, it's obvious that you should question why Elon Musk supports India too big time in the UN Security.
  • 💡 Russia’s support for India demonstrates the potential for alliances and negotiations in the UN Security Council reform.
  • 💡 The issue of India’s permanent seat in the UN Security Council is likely to remain in the news due to Elon Musk’s upcoming visit and potential investments in India.
  • 💡 The debate on UN Security Council reform raises questions about the criteria for permanent membership and the representation of various regions.
  • 💡 India’s progress and potential, as recognized by Elon Musk and others, make it an important player in global affairs and a potential candidate for permanent membership in the UN Security Council.
  • "India is happening right now, and that's why we will keep praising India in various aspects in the future, whether it's about the issue of the UN Security Council or even India's progress. You must remember Elon Musk also said that he believes India will thrive in the future. Well, I'm super pumped about India's future. I think India has more potential than any other big country in the world. Let's release the tech from the meeting, let the meeting itself be all about India. It's high time we push to make some major investments in India."
  • Elon Musk is going to be all over the media. He's also planning to invest in India, and in the future, he's going to give even more positive statements about India. So, this topic will be in the news a lot. If there are any further developments,

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