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RUSSIAN POWER is helping Iran Stop Israel's Attack | Russian S 300 is a Game Changer

 RUSSIAN POWER is helping Iran Stop Israel's Attack | Russian S 300 is a Game Changer

📅 Russian support helps Iran defend against Israeli attacks

the past couple of days, I've been noticing that the American media keeps repeating this one thing - that the Russians are helping Iran with weapons. They say that if the Russians weren't providing weapons to Iran, then Israel would have already taken revenge. You all know that recently Iran launched a major attack on Israel, but here's the thing, Israel didn't immediately retaliate against Iran. Instead, they keep attacking Syria with audacity, and they're thinking multiple times before attacking Iran. Israel's air force is pondering over their military strategy before deciding what to do if we hit them."

🌟 Russia's S-300 air defense system is a game changer

💣 Russian weapons, including the S-300 air defense system, have enhanced Iran's defense capabilities against Israeli attacks. This support has deterred Israel from retaliating immediately after Iranian strikes.

they attacked and their air defense system responded properly so that the attack didn't fail. And if you go on social media these days, there's a video from Iran that's getting pretty popular. Now, here you can check it out, loads of people are posting this video over and over again. Although, let me tell you, I've been following stuff like this for a long time, so I know this video isn't recent. It's actually a year old, but it's being circulated on Iran's social media with a new title, so you'll be able to watch it. It's a simple video, the way it is."
An air defense system works and will continue to work, but Iran keeps circulating videos to tell Israel that when you attack, don't think we'll be surprised. The title of this video is that we have been waiting for many years for this over air defense system. Iran is sending this message to Israel through clear social media that we have the Russian air defense system, S400. Even if we don't have it, we have S300 and it is waiting for your attack on us.
I'll give your Air Force a solid response and if your question here is, wait, does Iran have the S300, then the answer is yes, absolutely. And this story, you know, about Iran's interest in acquiring the S300, it's pretty interesting. Iran has faced sanctions several times, you know, from the UN Security Council, and there was pressure from Russia and the US and the European Union, saying that they won't give Iran the S300. But Russia found a way around those sanctions and managed to deliver the S300 to Iran. That's why you're seeing that, you know, Russia...

🚀 Iran rejects symbolic strike offer from Israel 

Iran has gotten itself tangled up in the Ukraine war. Even though their military drones might be cheap, they ain't that advanced. But Iran still sent some of their own weapons to Russia so that Russia can attack Ukraine. And it's not just me, even the American media believes that if Russia didn't have those Russian weapons, Israel would have already gotten revenge properly. Tehran would have been screwed by now with F35 or various fighter jets and Russia intervened directly or let's say indirectly in the Middle East.
there are two countries that were saved from destruction. One of 'em is Syria. In 2017, around the time of 2016-17, under Barack Obama, the US had this whole plan to launch a big attack on Syria. But then Vladimir Putin deployed Russian military in Syria and supported Assad, who's the president of Syria. He went on record saying, "Thanks, Putin, for saving our country. Otherwise, the US was gonna flatten the whole damn nation." Now, check this out, after Syria, see how Russia is providing a lot of help with weapons. It's not like Russia is just sending weapons from afar. Recently, they've been really involved.

💡 Tensions rise as Russia supports Iran against potential attacks

Russia just deployed a super sonic missile on their warship in the Middle East. They did this right after Iran attacked Israel. And guess what? Russia didn't even criticize Iran's attack. Actually, they're supporting Iran's attack on Israel. On top of that, Russia has now deployed this super sonic missile in the East. It's like they're saying, "Yo, we're ready for any big move if Israel and the US think about launching an attack."
If the Russian Navy stays ready, then in today's times, the Russian military, despite having limited resources, is still entangled in a war. Despite that, these people are properly supporting Iran. There are very few countries that can make such a big geopolitical impact. China's economy is huge, absolutely massive. China's GDP has become very big. Can we even say that China has even a fraction of the geopolitical impact that Russia has? The Chinese military, their personnel, their weapons, they don't have the same caliber as Russia.
countries such as Iran or Syria, the US and Israel gotta protect themselves from, you know? And man, I'm shocked to see the confidence Iran has these days. Recently, the American media published a report saying that the USA offered Iran a deal. The USA was like, 'Look, Israel needs to save face now, their government needs to save face. Don't even think about launching a symbolic attack or anything, basically.' The USA told Iran in not so many words that, listen up, Israel might send some badass fighters your way, somewhere, at some point, with some bombing."

- 🚀 Russia's deployment of a supersonic missile in the Middle East further strengthens Iran's position and sends a strong message to Israel and the US that any attack would face a robust response.

Even Israel will finally have the right to say that they've bombed your country once. It'll be a face-saving move for both Israel and you, and this whole situation will be over. Iran rejected this offer, a symbolic strike by Israel. Iran is flat out refusing it, saying their air defense system is so good that you should come and try it out. They claim that their system can shoot down any of Israel's fighter jets, no matter what."
The Russians have so much confidence in their weapons that people are openly saying that Israel will have to be satisfied with the fact that they first attacked our embassy in Syria and in response, we attacked them. The matter ends here. Now Israel does not have any right to retaliate. But I don't think Israel will back down and since the symbolic attack deal has been canceled, Israel will definitely think of doing something new. The Chief of the IAEA said."
Israel might try to bomb Iran's nuclear facilities, but they won't be able to do much because most of Iran's nuclear facilities are hidden in mountains and caves. So, their strikes won't really hit the target. But let me tell you, the next few days are gonna be super tense. Neither Iran nor Israel is backing down, and someone is bound to make a reckless move here. And that's definitely gonna make the situation worse.

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